Shipping Information
1) Do you ship Internationally?
Yes. We ship to worldwide. If you do not find your country listed during checkout or registration, please contact us via "Contact Us" from the website.
We offer FREE SHIPPING to United States, Canada, United Kingdom, Australia, Italy, France, Germany, Malaysia, Singapore, Spain, New Zealand, Poland, Japan, Brazil, Denmark, Finland, Netherlands, Norway, Portugal, Sweden, Russian Federation and many other countries.
2) What is your shipping policy?
We take 2 business days to ship your order. Your order will be shipped via Courier/Express Services or by Post Services. You may check the shipping method to your country in your shopping cart.
* Order shipped via Courier/Express Services takes approximately 3 – 5 business days to Worldwide Countries.
* Order shipped via Post Services takes approximately 9 - 15 business days to Worldwide Countries.
* NOTE: Package will be shipped via Post Services if shipping address located beyond Courier/Express Service's delivery coverage, including P.O.Box, APO/FPO.
* Packages shipped from Monday to Friday. No shipping services on Weekend or Public Holidays.
3) Do I have to sign for it?
Yes. You can also call or email the carrier by providing your tracking number and give them specific instructions for delivery.
4) What about taxes or duties or VAT?
For International orders,package may be randomly selected for customs inspections or Tax/Duty/VAT. Taxes or Duties or VAT is the receiver’s responsibility and will be billed by the delivering carrier. Please note, most of our packages delivered to the receiver without customs inspections or Tax/Duty/VAT. However, if you’re the lucky person that your custom impose Tax/Duty/VAT on your package ordered from us, we will offer store credit up to $50. (Store credit applies to orders and purchases from but does not apply to promotional or discounted or best deal items).
* International Orders: No more worries on import Tax/Duty/VAT! - We offer store credit up to $50 if custom imposes import Tax/Duty/VAT to your order.
* How to redeem your store credit OR claim your Tax/Duty/VAT:
* Send a copy of the Tax/Duty/VAT receipt to info(@)ledermannleather(dot)com. We will offer store credit based on Tax/Duty/VAT value or up to $50.
* You can also inform us prior to shipment foradditional request in the handling or declaration of your order.
5) What about sending as a gift or what if I want special handling of an order?
We are happy to send any item as a gift. Please be sure that the ship to address is accurate when ordering. We may call or email you when you indicate different billing and shipping addresses. This is not intended to be intrusive in any way and is done for your protection only to confirm that you were the one who made the purchase and/or requested the changes.
* Please inform us prior to shipment for additional request in the handling or declaration of your order.